Past Reviews

Regional Reviews: Washington, D.C.

Olney Theatre Center
Review by Susan Berlin | Season Schedule

Also see Susan's review of The Bedwetter

Ashley D. Nguyen, MALINDA,
and Allison Blackwell

Photo by Teresa Castracane Photography
Director-choreographer Marcia Milgrom Dodge has created a delightful reimagination of the musical Waitress, which sparkles in both performances and visual appeal, on the Roberts Mainstage of the Olney Theatre Center in suburban Washington.

To begin with, Dodge is working with an ingenious design team. Chen-Wei Liao's scenic design allows set pieces to emerge and disappear through trap doors on the stage; a free-standing counter in a diner morphs into a doctor's examining table; and seven musicians led by Christopher Youstra perform from the platform of a flatbed truck parked upstage behind a chainlink fence. Minjoo Kim's lighting design picks up on each emotional shift, and Sarah Cubbage's costumes range from naturalistic to hilarious.

The musical by Sara Bareilles (music and lyrics) and Jessie Nelson (book), based on the 2007 movie written and directed by Adrienne Shelly, uses the main character's natural affinity for baking as both a symbolic and realistic form of liberation. Jenna (MALINDA) is a waitress in her small Southern hometown whose unique and inventive pies keep people coming back to Joe's Pie Diner.

However, Jenna married young, and her husband Earl (Greg Twomey) is a domineering and insecure jerk. Her accidental pregnancy has driven Earl to try to control her even more heavily, but she has support from her fellow waitresses (Ashley D. Nguyen and Allison Blackwell) and Joe (Bobby Smith), the plain-spoken owner of the diner. Another complication is that Jenna's doctor has retired and the new one, Dr. Pomatter (David Socolar), is disconcertingly attractive.

MALINDA is a stellar talent who succeeds at portraying comedy, pathos and determination without a false moment. Her performance of "She Used to Be Mine" is very powerful. Socolar is boyishly attractive as he and MALINDA share a fantasy pas de deux, Smith makes Joe both hilariously forthright and ultimately moving, and Nguyen and jaded Blackwell provide strong support. Sam C. Jones, as Nguyen's unlikely love interest, bursts onto the stage with a knockout introductory number.

Waitress runs through April 6, 2025, at Olney Theatre Center, Roberts Mainstage, 2001 Olney-Sandy Spring Road, Olney MD. For tickets and information, please call 301-924-3400 or visit

Book by Jessie Nelson
Music and lyrics by Sara Bareilles
Based upon the motion picture written by Adrienne Shelly
Directed and choreographed by Marcia Milgrom Dodge
Music director: Christopher Youstra

Cal: Ethan Watermeier
Dawn: Ashley D. Nguyen
Becky: Allison Blackwell
Joe: Bobby Smith
Earl: Greg Twomey
Nurse Norma: Jessica Bennett
Dr. Pomatter: David Socolar
Ogie: Sam C. Jones
Lulu: Iella Barr-O'Connor or Lou Chubin
Ensemble: Wynter Nicole Cook, Jay Frisby, Nikki Kim, Casey Martin Klein, Wood Van Meter, Russell Rinker, Nadja Tomaszewski