re: Groff sings Darin: Song samples
Posted by: Ann 07:35 am EST 12/06/24
In reply to: re: Groff sings Darin: Song samples - mamaleh 01:38 am EST 12/06/24

Oh, Kevin Spacey was horrible in the movie. But I have to agree on that part. Groff singing as Groff is fine and entertaining - I'm a big fan of the actor, though I don't know if I've seen a real stretch from one particular persona. I don't think Bobby Darin's style would be a terribly difficult one to approximate without mimicry, but you have to try (and hopefully, in the show he will - I'll wait for reports). Otherwise, do a "Sings Songs Bobby Darin Sang" concert.

Previous: re: Groff sings Darin: Song samples - mamaleh 01:38 am EST 12/06/24
Next: New HADESTOWN casting announced - AC126748 11:28 am EST 12/03/24

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