re: SWEPT AWAY Last Night
Posted by: trevwadd 03:59 pm EST 12/03/24
In reply to: re: SWEPT AWAY Last Night - den 08:42 pm EST 12/01/24

Agreed completely, except for one point. I disagree that there wasn't much a director could do with the second half. This is a musical...the team should have come up with a way to make them being in a lifeboat feel exciting and theatrical. I couldn't believe that the ensemble of 12 showed up to sing half a song and that's all. I blame the writers for writing themselves into a corner.

Previous: re: SWEPT AWAY Last Night - den 08:42 pm EST 12/01/24
Next: re: SWEPT AWAY Last Night - PlayWiz 06:28 pm EST 12/03/24

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