re: Beware MSG Thtr like a zoo if sit in back half of orch
Posted by: HunterHailey 01:48 pm EST 12/03/24
In reply to: Beware MSG Thtr like a zoo if sit in back half of orch - thtrgoer 01:01 pm EST 12/03/24

I remember that from Xmas Carol and vowed never to see a show like that there again. It was more like being at a Disney on Ice or circus at the MSG arena than watching a piece of theater. I get that if you're a parent with young kids it's a great way to see a family friendly show without having to worry about theater "decorum" or introduce your kids to the theater - but if you're going expecting a B'way theater experience - you'll be sorely disappointed.

Previous: Beware MSG Thtr like a zoo if sit in back half of orch - thtrgoer 01:01 pm EST 12/03/24
Next: question about "Being Alive" in latest COMPANY revival - dooey 04:56 pm EST 12/02/24

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