re: Bali Ha'i may call you...
Last Edit: Chromolume 12:20 pm EST 12/03/24
Posted by: Chromolume 12:20 pm EST 12/03/24
In reply to: Bali Hai may call you... - sc2 09:29 am EST 12/03/24

And, "My Girl Back Home" which was put back in for the film (and is now part of the revised materials for rental, following its inclusion in the revival).
There was also a song called "Now Is The Time" which was cut but still appears in some of the incidental music.

Along with trunk lyrics like "Suddenly Lucky," there's a wonderful dummy lyric (a lyric meant just to hold a place in the song, to be replaced with something better later) that Hammerstein wrote for "My Favorite Things" (and yes, this is real):

"Cute little babies that fall out of swings,
These are a few of my favorite things."

Previous: Bali Hai may call you... - sc2 09:29 am EST 12/03/24
Next: re: Bali Ha'i may call you... - Seth Christenfeld 02:07 pm EST 12/03/24

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