re: New Mary Todd Lincoln in "Oh, Mary"
Last Edit: Delvino 11:25 am EST 12/03/24
Posted by: Delvino 11:23 am EST 12/03/24
In reply to: re: New Mary Todd Lincoln in "Oh, Mary" - WaymanWong 11:07 am EST 12/03/24

On the other hand, maybe some of us - unable to afford the show with Escola - will suddenly find it more available in the cold winter months without the star. Hey, I saw Jessica Chastain in Doll's House on a chilly, sleety Wednesday matinee from 9th row center via TDF. Winter on B'way can be a bargain.

Previous: re: New Mary Todd Lincoln in "Oh, Mary" - WaymanWong 11:07 am EST 12/03/24
Next: re: New Mary Todd Lincoln in "Oh, Mary" - FrenchDip 10:05 am EST 12/03/24

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