re: I am most curious...
Last Edit: Chromolume 11:44 pm EST 12/02/24
Posted by: Chromolume 11:36 pm EST 12/02/24
In reply to: re: I am most curious... - AnObserver 08:16 pm EST 12/02/24

Some people RELISH the chance to say that, probably from the first moment they wake up, donning their sackcloth and ashes and proclaiming it like some crazed Jeremiah all through each day. "Follow the fold and stray no more, Broadway is in a state of decline." For some, Broadway has been in a perpetual state of decline from the minute the roads were paved and the theatres built. Trrrrrouble with a capital T and that rhymes with D and that stands for Decline. Welcome to the decline of theatre, you fool, you'll love it so.

Previous: re: I am most curious... - AnObserver 08:16 pm EST 12/02/24
Next: re: I am most curious... - ilw 01:43 pm EST 12/03/24

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