re: A lovely farewell to the Kiser on 43rd Street - Second Stage
Posted by: gad90210 09:16 pm EST 12/02/24
In reply to: A lovely farewell to the Kiser on 43rd Street - Second Stage - BrianWrightDSR 12:24 pm EST 12/02/24

Thanks for posting! I didn’t know that the space was custom designed and built for Second Stage. I will miss it!

Previous: A lovely farewell to the Kiser on 43rd Street - Second Stage - BrianWrightDSR 12:24 pm EST 12/02/24
Next: Jez Butterworth's 'THE AGENCY' with Michael Fassbender, Jeffrey Wright and Jodie Comer Smith - DistantDrumming 02:26 am EST 12/02/24

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