re: Tammy Faye - long
Posted by: Live_From_London 05:19 am EST 12/02/24
In reply to: Tammy Faye - long - AnObserver 04:02 pm EST 12/01/24

I think your review is trying a bit too hard.

When you talk about who is and who isn't apparently a star, it's interesting that you mentioned women who are mostly known from a different era. Where are the stars of today? although the term star is subjective.

The meeting with Ted Turner was never musicalised, it always happened off stage. Maybe there are no records of what actually did happen in that meeting and who said what?

Yes they took creative liberties with the Steve Pieters scene, bcause he wasn't there in person, and also because he wasn't black, but it only acted out what Tammy said she would do if he actually was there.

Personally i think the score is great - but then I have heard it a few times and any score sounds better when it's familiar.

I never understand the need to put down others that might have enjoyed the show, simply to make yourself feel superior.

Previous: re: I am most curious... - ilw 01:43 pm EST 12/03/24
Next: re: Tammy Faye - long - sf 08:13 pm EST 12/01/24

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