re: SWEPT AWAY Last Night
Last Edit: sergius 10:12 pm EST 12/01/24
Posted by: sergius 10:04 pm EST 12/01/24
In reply to: re: SWEPT AWAY Last Night - den 08:42 pm EST 12/01/24

Sorry you were disappointed, den, but you made it clear why and I appreciate that. I don't agree about Gallagher, but it's true, I think, that the book is the weakest of the show's elements. And I see your point about the brothers though I did find their relationship moving even if familiar. But on balance this was, for me, daring, adventuresome musical theatre. It makes me happy that it's on Broadway.

Previous: re: re:"there were times when I felt he was channeling Popeye." - TheOtherOne 09:22 am EST 12/02/24
Next: Are you writing a positive review for more likes? - dramedy 11:17 am EST 12/01/24

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