re: If singing along during WICKED wasn't enough to put you off...
Posted by: KingSpeed 07:42 pm EST 12/01/24
In reply to: re: If singing along during WICKED wasn't enough to put you off... - showtunetrivia 01:34 pm EST 12/01/24

Don’t be scared off. This movie is meant to be seen on a big screen. The phones and sing along issues aren’t widespread. I’m saying this for your sake. It won’t be as good on TV. There’s a marked difference between normal movie screen and IMAX. Seeing it on TV will be even worse. I have nothing to gain here. I just don’t want you to miss an opportunity. Now, I would guess they’ll re-release part 1 in October to amp up hype for part 2, but don’t plan on it when you could see it now.

Previous: re: If singing along during WICKED wasn't enough to put you off... - showtunetrivia 01:34 pm EST 12/01/24
Next: Right there with you (nm) - MockingbirdGirl 01:44 pm EST 12/01/24

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