re: Godspell only got one nomination!
Last Edit: Chromolume 12:20 pm EST 12/01/24
Posted by: Chromolume 12:14 pm EST 12/01/24
In reply to: re: Godspell only got one nomination! - hanon 03:38 am EST 12/01/24

IMO, part of Godspell's charm and effectiveness is in its intimacy and simple production values. it IS an off-Broadway show in feel. And, much as I admire the balls behind the new arrangements for the 2011 revival on their own terms, IMO it's way way way overwritten - it's the same way I feel about Lippa's crazy "look what I did to the score, ma" way-over-rehauling of Charlie Brown. (Again, I admire his chutzpah, but it's no longer Charlie Brown to me. I know a lot of people love it, but I think the tone is all wrong.) Both of those musicals lost a huge amount of simple charm in their "conversion" to Broadway.

I didn't see the 1976 Godspell - I was too young and didn't even know about it. But rather like moving a show such as [Title of Show] to Broadway, I have to assume it was not the right venue.

Previous: re: Godspell only got one nomination! - hanon 03:38 am EST 12/01/24
Next: re: Godspell only got one nomination! - Chazwaza 02:19 am EST 12/02/24

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