re: Gypsy: A Great...
Posted by: Musicals54 08:42 am EST 12/01/24
In reply to: re: Gypsy: A Great... - huskyital 03:48 pm EST 11/30/24

Glass Menagerie great play indeed. Tom wants expiation for leaving. I have never liked Salesman. I find all of Miller to be phony as phony as he was. A letter suddenly appears years later. Willie’s wife speaks for him. Miller had a disabled son who he shipped off to an institution and forgot about. He left Monroe to die. The crucible is about as heavy handed as a soap opera. All superficial. I have cried at Gypsy. Gypsy deals with not just the family dynamics but major societal changes as they effect individuals. The death of vaudeville which was the result of technological change that brought radio and talkies. Rose chooses burlesque. Willy Loman LOW MAN oh,please, loseshis job because of change and offs himself. Mediocre and cowardly as befits a nobody.

Previous: re: Gypsy: A Great... - huskyital 03:48 pm EST 11/30/24
Next: re: Gypsy: A Great... - Billhaven 10:51 am EST 12/02/24

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