Nicki Cochrane: Her full-length documentary is on YouTube
Posted by: bret17 11:15 pm EST 11/30/24

Yes, she is a well-chronicled disruptive pain in the ass, but she is of the vanishing breed of NYC eccentrics. I have seen a shorter version; this entertaining incarnation is laden with biographical details. She is actually a well-heeled, passionate and articulate theater devotee with taste and discernment, who ritualistically goes beyond Broadway. This engaging film at times is undercut with 2017 footage of obscure shows coupled with her commentary, making it a valuable record on many levels.

A few months ago, she engaged with me in the lobby of the Theater for the New City as to why I was attending that particular show. I stated that I was invited as a theater website reviewer. Her eyes lit up, and she effusively offered me her email address to send me her my review to. I instinctively knew that she was fishing for someone she could badger to get free tickets from; I did not get in touch. She was a colorful character to be observed from afar.
Link One Ticket Please

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