re: It’s a shame Cole wants out.
Last Edit: Chromolume 08:05 pm EST 11/30/24
Posted by: Chromolume 07:54 pm EST 11/30/24
In reply to: re: It’s a shame Cole wants out. - KingSpeed 01:07 pm EST 11/30/24

I'm a music director, not an actor, but yes, I have done many 8-show weeks, or often 7-show weeks given regional schedules. I've also done those weeks while also teaching a full load in a college musical theatre program, and/or with other projects to work on, other rehearsals, vocal coaching, and the like.

Calm down.

Previous: re: It’s a shame Cole wants out. - KingSpeed 01:07 pm EST 11/30/24
Next: re: It’s a shame Cole wants out. - KingSpeed 11:12 pm EST 11/30/24

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