re: Link: Helen Gallagher remembering Jerome Robbins
Posted by: RufusRed 12:31 pm EST 11/30/24
In reply to: Link: Helen Gallagher remembering Jerome Robbins - lordofspeech 12:42 am EST 11/29/24

Thank you for this, I will listen later. I was honored to have studied with Helen when she was at HB Studios. She had an interesting approach, she just let people get up and sing whatever they wanted she didn’t teach technique. She was very much in the moment. I didn’t understand it at first coming from Classical Ballet, but I just went along with it. I didn’t realize it, but she started in Classical Ballet as well.

Previous: Link: Helen Gallagher remembering Jerome Robbins - lordofspeech 12:42 am EST 11/29/24
Next: Parade perfomances? - Chromolume 10:19 am EST 11/28/24

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