And there are plenty of Americans
Last Edit: dramedy 06:08 pm EST 11/29/24
Posted by: dramedy 06:06 pm EST 11/29/24
In reply to: re: It’s a shame Cole wants out. - Chromolume 05:50 pm EST 11/29/24

With two or even three jobs working well over 40 hours a week to make ends meet. And how many actors are waiters doing 6-8 shifts on their feet. And single parents with a job and kids. Or the migrant workers in the fields doing jobs Americans won’t do. Actors in a hit show are not the only hard working people in America. And those Americans are doing the same jobs year after year for decades.

Previous: re: It’s a shame Cole wants out. - Chromolume 11:26 pm EST 11/30/24
Next: re: And there are plenty of Americans - KingSpeed 01:06 pm EST 11/30/24

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