re: Parade perfomances?
Posted by: RufusRed 01:54 pm EST 11/28/24
In reply to: Parade perfomances? - Chromolume 10:19 am EST 11/28/24

Watching the little bit of the parade that I saw this morning, I’m Reminded why I don’t watch broadcast television anymore. I liked the marching bands mostly l, and the floats. But the performances are just like one big long commercial, and then you have commercials. Telling us how to feel and what we should be doing. I guess I’m just not in the holiday spirit. But watching people, Most of whom I have no idea who they are, lip sync does not lift my mood.

Previous: re: Parade perfomances? - finally 12:43 pm EST 11/29/24
Next: re: Parade perfomances? - KingSpeed 02:10 pm EST 11/28/24

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